Communicating with your teen
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1 How to foster a bond with my teenager?
2 Communication tips
1 How to foster a bond with my teenager?
Communicating with your teen
Parenting or taking care of a teen means trying to find a balance between supporting and guiding them.
You’re one of the adults they see most often in their daily lives and therefore a role model for them to better understand the world of adults that they will eventually join.
Your attitude and vocabulary influence those of your teenager, but also their perception of you, your openness, your opinions and prejudices of others.
Consequently, your general attitude influences the relationship you have with your teenager, for example, whether they want to talk to you or not.
You set an example for your teenager, in terms of both your good and bad sides. Since childhood, they have been learning your vocabulary and habits. Your teenager uses what they observe to create a perception of you, your degree of openness, your opinions, etc.
Trusted adults are people who are very important to teenagers, even if they don’t always show it!
Give yourself permission to enter their world and take an interest in them, their friends, their current relationships, their school environment, their worries, their questions, etc.
- What are you into these days?
- Who are your friends?
- How are you?
- What do you do in your free time?
- What do you like about your daily life?
- On the contrary, what don’t you like about your daily life?
- Do you have a passion these days? What do you like to do?
If you notice a change in their mood, mention it. These are things you can bring up with your teenager, in your own words. The goal is not to interrogate them, but rather to show them that you care about them.
Further considerations
What could encourage conversation with my teenager? What time of day do I feel like my teenager is more receptive? Are there places or contexts in which they prefer to talk (e.g., in the car when you don’t need to look at each other, after a sports practice when their energy is spent and they’re more relaxed, etc.)?
Don’t hesitate to tell them that you’re not asking questions to “play detective”, but because what’s going on in their life is important to you. You can also ask them what they’d like to talk about first.
Being a caregiver sometimes means accepting that you make mistakes. When you realize you’ve made a mistake or regret the way a conversation went, it can be helpful to admit your failings to your teenager by explaining yourself and apologizing. Tell them that you’re trying your best. Don’t hesitate to rephrase what you wanted to tell them at the time. In the eyes of your teen, you’re a significant person who is making an effort without being perfect, just like them.
Accounts from teenagers and caregivers
2 Communication tips
Communication tips
Talking about all the changes experienced during adolescence with a teenager is not necessarily easy. The relationship to discussion and communication can vary from one adult to another. Talking about sensitive topics sometimes requires a lot of courage and ease. Not everyone has the same ideas about sexuality and romantic relationships. These are intimate topics that need to be broached tactfully. Some teens have no problem opening up, whereas others tend to live their first experiences more secretly.
Think back to your first experiences… Did you talk about them with your caregivers or the adults around you? What encouraged you to talk about them, or, conversely, stopped you from doing so?
Accounts from caregivers
Here are a few tips to help you initiate conversations with your teenager
It can be helpful to start a conversation with your teenager that doesn’t involve a request or finding out more about a specific topic. Simply talk about everything and nothing, about their interests, their passions.
Using the actual terms is part of your teaching role, especially when talking about romantic relationships and sexuality. You’ll show them that there is no taboo in talking about it and that it’s better to use correct and respectful terms.
It’s recommended to broach certain topics before they happen. For example, when it comes to pubertal changes (nocturnal emissions, menstruation, appearance of hair, etc.), it’s comforting for teenagers to have an idea of what changes to expect regarding their bodies. There are several books that can help you find the right words, and you can let your teenager read them alone if necessary. You can also talk about romantic relationships with them before they experience one. However, it’s important to respect their pace. Trust yourself! You’ll know quickly if the information you’re providing isn’t right for them.
If a question from your teenager makes you uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to inquire why they’re asking it. For example, if your teenager asks you if they have to perform fellatio on their partner to fit in, and this question surprises you, ask them what prompted them to ask it, what the context is, etc. You shouldn’t assume that your teenager is asking the question because they’re in that situation; teenagers often ask questions to help their friends.
If certain questions make you uncomfortable, suggest another way for them to find the answers (see the Resources section). Your teenager may ask you a question that you don’t have the answer to, but you’d like to take the time to find the answer for them. Don’t hesitate to tell them that you’ll look for the information.
- Click for resources
Take the time to listen, even if you disagree with some of their choices. The simple act of listening can really help you better understand them and feel less angry about certain behaviours.
Putting yourself in a teenager’s shoes is not always easy. You surely have your own relationship to sexuality and dating, past relationships that colour your perspective, etc. This is normal. You can ask yourself what’s important to them or what type of relationship they’re looking for and help them find their own path.
If you would like to raise a specific topic with them, let them know that you’d like to find a moment to discuss it. This will avoid taking them by surprise. You can also ask them to choose a time when they would be receptive to talking to you.
Validating teenagers’ remarks means giving value to how they’re feeling. This often begins with: “I understand that you may feel this way if…” or “It’s true that experiencing…must…” or “I can understand that you feel this way”, “If I were in your place, I would probably feel the same way.” Validating a teenager often helps calm a tense situation. For example, when you set a limit, it can be helpful to start the conversation with validation. When your teenager is experiencing strong emotions, it can also be helpful to start by validating the emotions they’re feeling. Very often, it’s soothing for teenagers to feel understood and that they have the right to feel this way.
Knowing that teens are in a period where they want to take decisions, make their own choices, is it possible to find a compromise between your demands and their wishes? To arrive at a compromise, both teenagers and adults must be ready to make the effort to open up to each other as well as effectively communicate their expectations and wishes. If the conversations sometimes become too heated, suggest that your teenager write down how they would like it to go in a perfect world (but in a realistic way) and do the same. Then, compare your two versions and try to come up with a game plan together.
You can try to ease into the conversation by talking about your respective days or by mentioning the latest news. You can tell your teenager that you feel like they’re going through some things and that you’re there if they want to talk about it. The important thing is that they feel that you’re interested in what they’re living and that you won’t judge them. Tell them how you feel, what worries you. You can also share an anecdote about your own experiences as a teen. This can not only help you put yourself in their shoes, by diving back into your adolescence, but also remember that you were once a teen yourself and may have had the same questions as them.
Teenagers feel it when adults aren’t being honest with them. They learn from you. You’re their example of “adults”, so even if you admit that you’re going through a difficult period at work or with some of your friends, show them which strategies you’re implementing to get through it and navigate this difficult time. This a great way for them to learn. It can also be comforting for teenagers to know that a trusted adult around them also sometimes experiences difficulties.
What if my teenager doesn’t talk to me?
Many caregivers and trusted adults mention that their teen doesn’t talk to them anymore and that they feel like they don’t know anything about their lives. So take the initiative! Gradually, talking about everything and nothing with your teenager will make it easier to discuss more intimate topics. Take an interest in their passions, ask to hear their current favourite song, offer to do one of their favourite activities together. Eventually, these special interactions will make it possible to raise more intimate topics such as romantic relationships. Use characters from movies or TV shows or situations that happened to friends or family members to start the conversation and find out more about your teenager’s life. You can ask them what they think about this romantic relationship or friendship. What emotions are involved? Do you know anyone who is in the same type of relationship? What is your point of view on this situation (referring to news in the media, scenes in movies, etc.)? These examples highlight that talking to your teenager doesn’t need to happen within the context of a formal conversation.
You can try asking them questions about this topic by showing an interest in what they’re living:
- Are you interested in anyone?
- How do you feel about this person?
- What do you like about this person?
- What are you attracted to in this person?
- Do any of your friends have a romantic partner?
- How do you feel about the romantic relationships around you? (E.g., are they excited to experiment, are they not interested, do they have fears about dating? If so, what are they?).
These types of questions may embarrass them or make them uncomfortable. You can start by simply reminding them that you’re there to answer their questions or listen when they need you to, in order to respect their pace. The goal is to make them understand that they have a space to talk about it.
The needs behind teenagers’ questions
What is behind my teenager’s question? A fear? Do they already have an idea of the answer and want it to be validated?
When teenagers confide in the adults around them or ask them a question, it’s not necessarily to obtain a specific or factual answer. They come to you because of the bond you share, for your reassurance, and not because you’re a dictionary with all the answers to every question!
If they ask you a question you don’t have the answer to, don’t hesitate to turn the question around: What do you think about this? If a friend asked you this question, what would you answer? By turning the question back to them, you’ll better understand what they already know about it and also what they actually need.
The main needs behind teenagers’ questions can be grouped into 3 categories:
If teenagers feel the need to talk to a trusted adult in their lives, there’s a strong likelihood that it’s “now or never.” It’s important to understand that teens mainly live in the present moment. If possible, be available when they express the need to talk. This will contribute to improving your relationship with them. We sometimes have the tendency to view teens as “mini adults”; however, they are still developing.